Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Evaluate 2 - Data Driven Instruction and Analysis

Data is a crucial element in creating meaningful lessons for students.  Lessons driven by data allow students to reach their full potential, and correct previous errors.  Data is even more essential in an online classroom.  It determines everything the teacher decides, such as parent contact, when to post a discussion, and when to review lessons.  The chart that displayed the dates students were working on their assignments shows that students seem to be progressing through the assignments at a normal pace.  During the days where students are not actively participating in their learning, the instructor could use that data to provide a discussion or face-to-face time during these days to check in with students.  I would also provide checkpoints for students as they are working earlier in the assignment to make sure they are understanding the material, and completing the necessary steps to be proficient in the content area.
Teachers who utilize data in their classes are able to provide more individualized instruction for their students.  They have the advantage to see who needs more one-on-one instruction, encouragement, or additional parent contact.  I also think by using data, teachers are able to more effectively provide beneficial lessons by gauging what students are struggling with in their lessons.  Data allows teachers to better prepare for individual students and whole-class instruction.

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