Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Evaluate 3 - Personalized Teaching and Learning

The chart above displays the results from two assignments in a chapter.  The assignments increase in difficulty and understanding, but are over the same content.  Overall, most of the students are increasing their scores which illustrate that they are understanding the material at a deeper level now, and previous remediation benefited those students.  Student 4 and Student 6 had lower scores on the second assignment.  This informs the teacher that there is some disconnect in those students' understanding of the material.  As the teacher, I can provide individual remediation for these students that they must complete and pass with an 80% before moving on to the next assignment.  There is one student who is staying consistent at a 90.  I would provide this student with a more challenging exploratory assignment to see if they are able to successfully complete it on their own.  This might allow them to even progress further if they are exploring the content on their own.  I think data is beneficial to the teachers and the students.  It allows the teacher to customize students' learning paths so that they can have a deeper understanding of the topics.

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