Thursday, April 13, 2017

Evaluate 3 - Self Reflection

I think that teaching requires us to self-reflect on our practices each day.  We need to evaluate what we did well in the lesson, and what could be improved for the next day.  If there were areas of disconnect between our lesson and our students, then we need to make sure we revisit the topic the following days.  I have been evaluated by administration and fellow teachers each year, and take their feedback seriously when they give me insightful ways that I can improve my instruction.  As a way to reflect over specific areas of my lesson, I have videotaped my classroom a few times.  I then sit down to view the video and check off certain things that I notice throughout the lesson.  Below is a checklist that I did last year after watching a video of my lesson.  I wanted to improve my questioning throughout my lessons to ensure that students understand the material at a deeper level.
I have also reviewed videos of my classroom for my gifted courses.  During this video reflection, I had specific topics and standards that I needed to cover.  I had a fellow gifted instructor film this video, and discussed our observations together to see how I can improve areas of my lesson.
As a way to set goals for myself, I have displayed an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP).  After the first month of school, I evaluate my students' progress, and determine a goal for myself and a specific group of students for the end of the year.  This year, I set the goal of raising my bottom quartile students' test scores and benchmark scores for the year.  At the end of the year, I will reflect over their scores to see if I have met my goal.  I have been evaluating these specific students throughout the school year to see if I can modify my teaching to meet their individual needs.  
Self-reflection is essential to improving our teaching methods and strategies.  It is critical in order to improve our students' understanding and classroom experiences.  

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